Saturday, June 8, 2013


Warm up
Hhs and hs

2 bars.  1 loaded 95# and the other at working weight.  7x1 - 1 high hang at light 30 then 1 hang at rx %. Rest 60-90

2x70%.  2x80%.  2x85%.  1x90%


Same reps HC+SJ

Fs.  5x3 bounce first.  Then pause 3s on next 2.  80% ish.

Wod...see outlaw


  1. 140 x 2, 160 x 2, 170 x 2, 180 x 1, 190 x1 (bonus; no misses and felt strong)

    185 x 2, 210 x 2, 220 x 2, 235 x 1 (DNF set 7; cleans felt off on and need more work)

    FS - 225, 245, 255, 265, 275 (2, f) back felt pretty fried

    Isabel - 3:38 (much slower than my original time - 3:05)

  2. 135x2, 155x2, 165x2...didn't miss but the shoulder felt weak/unstable.

    185x2, 205x2, 220x2, DNF 235 (no attempt)

    FS- back felt tight so just did 225, 245, 245

    out of time. did PT and will continue working on the shoulder
