Warm up: physio band drills
3x40s clam shell hold
3x8 (each leg) hip opening
2x5 at 95% of monday
3x3 Snatch grip 1st pull + pause at 90-105%. heavy but perfect.
4x1 Snatch pull
3x3 Clean grip 1st pull + pause at 90-105%. heavy but perfect.
4x1 Clean pull
7x200m run, rest 2:3
a) 3x8 KB pull over
b) 3x8 DB bent row
c) 3xME L sit
HBBS- 195 and crying
ReplyDeleteBarbell: Snatch 125#
Clean: 160#
Deadlift- 5 reps @ 130- 160-185
AMRAP 10 mins:
4 hang power snatches (135/95)
8 t2b
run 100m
Score: 6 Rounds + 4 HPS RxD
Extra Credit:
"Room Service"
20 Rounds for time-
5 Push Ups
5 Squats
5 Sit ups
Time: 11:19 RxD
HBBS: 260
ReplyDeleteSnatch: 185, 205x2
Pulls: 185, 205x3
Cleans: 235, 265, 275
Pulls: 235, 255x3
Cond: 39, 39, 39, 40, 40, 40, 37
Assistance: done - skipped Lsit