Sunday, August 4, 2013


Warm up: as needed
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HS + 1 SB

7 mins to find daily max snatch (after warm up)
5x1 PS + HS + HHS.  rest 60-75s (up to 70% of daily max)

7 mins to find 3RM
4x5 at 85% of daily 3RM + 10#s  (goal is for working sets heavier than last week, rest 90-120

a) 4x5 jumping good morning - not maximal, rest 45
b) 4xME Lsit - 1 attempt, rest 45

run 1 mile
rest 1 min
1 min ME burpees


  1. Barbell
    snatch - 135x2, 155x2, 169, 185, 200, 210 (f)..."pick up your knees" standing up, pick up left knee, pick up right knee, pick up both knees (squat drop). need to make sure still get extended

    PS + HS + HHS 140 (fail last HHS). working on catching PS without splitting feet. catch strains on hip

    HBBS - need to practice tracking. dropping too fast. out of control.

    135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x3, 315x3, 345(2bf), 340(1bf) too aggressive with the final jump. should go for 335

    4x5 at 285, rested 90

    a) jumping gm: 95, 115x3
    b) L-sit: 25s, 20sx3

    run 1 mile - 6:40 (felt slow running into wind)
    rest 1 min
    1 min ME burpees - 29

  2. Snatch work: I just practiced HHS and HS with 65-70lbs. I need to just take a day and work on my snatch once and for all.

    HBBS: 3RM was 170. Don't think I could have gone higher but it felt good
    Sets 4x5 at 145. Previously did 135. These felt hard! Rested 90

    a) 75lb (first time, felt a little awkward)
    b) 20s, 25s, 20, 20 (there was no "L", I just was in a ball, hovering a millimeter above the ground :)

    1 mile - 8:15 (I think this was 5 seconds slower. I stopped to walk for 10seconds, damn)
    Rest-I think my rest was closer to 90 seconds by the time I got a drink from the fountain
    ME Burpees in 1 min- 15.

  3. Snatch: 200 (205 (f, 3)
    Working sets: 135 (felt so smooth here today)

    HBBS 3RM: 310 (belt)
    Working sets: 275 (belt)

    a) 115 (back was tired)
    b) :60, :34, :27, :18

    Mile - 6:19!!

    Burpees - 26

  4. Daily snatch max: 113
    Working sets at 75#

    HBBS 3RM: 165
    Working sets at 140

    Skipped strength for back/elbow purposes.

    10:13 mile <-- suffice it to say that i am very upset/fiesty about this
    21 ME burpees after 1 min rest

  5. Barbell
    Snatch: 179 (2# PR), missed 184
    PS + HS + HHS: 125

    HBBS - 300(b) sets got progressively better

    4x5 at 265, rested 90

    a) jumping gm: 95, 115x3
    b) L-sit: 10,10,9,9 abs still torched from saturday GHD situps

    run 1 mile - 6:50 (first leg felt good, struggled last 1/3)
    rest 1 min
    1 min ME burpees - 23
