Friday, August 2, 2013


Warm up:  as needed
3x3 HHS
2x1 HS + LHS + SB

15 mins to find max snatch

15 mins to find max CnJ

6x3 HBBS at 85%, rest up to 90

4x3 windmill (each arm)

12 min amrap
run 200m
5 MU
10 GHD situps


  1. Skipped max Snatch again today. Shoulders still super sore. Worked HS at 65lbs.

    C&J: max 135. Got a 140 clean (5lb PR!), but failed the jerk. Elbows dropped.

    HBBS: 145, 155, 155, 155, 155, 155. These all felt heavy today.

    Midline: done

    Conditioning: I subbed 5 pullups/5 dips for MU
    3 rounds and run+pullup/dips
    4 full rounds in 12:27

  2. Snatch: 175, stood 180 up but lost balance at top.
    C&J: 205, Caught 225 but got stuck in the hole.
    HBBS: 275
    Midline: Skipped
    Conditioning: Did run w/ 20lb medicine ball
    3 Full Rounds + Run and 5 MUs

  3. Hip felt tight. Took a very long warm up

    Snatch 135 2x2, 155x2, 175, 185, 200
    Cnj. 135x2, 185x2, 225, 245, 265 (f)

    Hbbs 310 (belt sets 3, 4, 5, 6). Set 5 felt best...need to work on tracking

    Cond- run with 20# medball. 4 rounds.

    Midline 1.5 pood.

  4. Shoulder felt loose. Still no pop on snatch.

    Snatch - from 95 to 135, 20# each step up. Failed 155#.
    C&J - 135 to 205#, failed on 215. Able to clean 225#, could not jerk.

    HBBS - 305...Set 7 felt the best, probably because I was almost done. Need to set back better.

    Skip midline and conditioning, ran 10K Sunday and set new PR - 50mins.
