Tuesday, August 6, 2013


warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HHS + SB

Barbell - work from boxes:
6x2 HHS with 2 sec hold in the hole <80%, ok to reset each rep, rest 45
6x1 2 HHC + PJ with 2 sec hold OH, <80%, rest 45

Squats -(RY does 10x3 at 60-65% EMOM)
HBBS 5x5 @ 65% of 1rm, rest 60

6x2 clean pulls at >100%, rest 60

row 1k
50 DU
25 box jumps (30/24)
50 DU
50 DU
25 PU
50 DU

freestanding HS practice


  1. No box-work tonight. Gym was crowded and I needed to work on snatch form.

    8x2 HS all at 65lb.
    Overall form is better. Still need to work on getting fully extended, flick elbows, punch up/not back, chest up, etc etc.

    HBBS 5x5 @ 125x3, 135x2

    6x2 clean pulls at 135 (felt better with straps)

    cond: total time was 17:27. I scaled it to:
    row 1k
    30 DU + 40 singles
    25 BJ/24in
    30 DU + 40 singles
    5 HS kickups holding as long as possible
    30 DU +40 singles
    10 pullups
    30 DU + 40 singles

    I suck at DU. I have a knot in my right armpit that hurt during pullups so I stopped at 10.

  2. hip bursitis!!!!

    muscle snatch work
    - work up to 130 singles
    - drop to 105, 5mins EMOM 6x2 muscle snatch

    muscle clean work
    - work up to 165 singles
    - drop to 135, 5mins EMOM 6x2 muscle clean


    clean pulls: 230x2, 250x2, 270. 275

    cond: 12:57 - yikes on the pull ups and box jumps

  3. Boxes are dangerous...

    Snatch - 110 failed on round 3 and 5.
    Clean - 135 failed on round 4

    skipped HBBS - no rack

    Clean pulls at 230, went up to 250, but dropped to 230 due to bad form

    Skipped conditioning...feeling sick.

  4. Box HHS: 135
    Box HHC: 175 (missed 2nd rep on set 5)

    HBBS: Skipped, left knee not feeling good

    Clean pulls: 230x4,250x2

    Conditioning: 14:19 (slow, struggled on first 2 sets of DU)

  5. HHS: 75#

    Skipped cleans/squats - back not feeling good, some spasms

    Conditioning: 16:13
