Monday, July 15, 2013

TESTING #1....20130716.Tues

warm up - own

10mins to find 3RM weighted pull up

warm up -
2x3 HHS
2x1 2HS + 1SB
2x2 HHC + HC + PJ

7 mins to find daily max cnj (after warm up)
5 min EMOM - 2HHC + 1 HC + SJ at 70% of DAILY MAX

7 min EMOM - 2 HHS + 1 HS 65% of 1RM

6x3 FS @ <70%, rest 90-120s

a)  4x ME strict deficit HSPU + ME kipping deficit (45# plates)
b)  4x5 pendlay row


  1. Weighted pull-up: 125 (PR!)

    Clean & jerk: 265
    Clean drill: 185 (felt good today; fast)

    Snatch drill: 135 (felt okay here; came on toes for a few rounds with the hang)

    FS: 215 (did these in nanos; felt good)

    a) 11, 9, 9, 7 (just did strict)
    b) 185, 205...

  2. Hello!

    "Weighted pull-up": 60 pounds resistance on assisted pullup machine

    CNJ: 135 (I am second guessing the 145 I thought it was at the gym. I think it was actually 135) 5lb PR
    Clean drill: 100lb

    Snatch drill: 65 (focusing still on form)

    FS: 125 (focusing on the drive up, fast)

    a) 10/7/5/5 (reg push-ups)
    b) 90/90/90/90

  3. Weighted pull-up: 70

    Clean & jerk: 215 (hit on 3rd attempt)
    Clean drill: 155

    Snatch drill: 125

    FS: 185

    a) 4/2, 6/3, 5/1, 5/1
    b) 185

  4. Felt very fatigued today. Lower back was tight at work and legs hurt from squatting

    Weighted pull-up: 90

    Clean & jerk: 185, 225, 245, 260 (5# PR, had more in the tank on the clean - jerk was terrible as usual)
    Clean drill: 180

    Snatch drill: 125

    FS: 225 need to remember to lock back all the way through the lift. caught self getting lazy on 1st/2nd rep on sets 2 and 3

    a) 9/6, 6/5, 4/1 (fell off wall), 5/3
    b) 185
