Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Warm up: as needed
3x3 HHC
2x1 2 HC + 1 SJ

7 mins to find daily max cnj (after warm up)

7x2 HHS from boxes (very small dip) - stay under 70% of max HHS, rest at least 60
7x2 HHC from boxes (very small dip) - stay under 70% of max HHC, rest at least 60

4x5 up to 75%, rest 90s
gymnastics - rest 30-45 between each set
a) 3x10 freestanding HS shoulder taps
b) 3x15 pullups
c) 3x20 dips

10x100m sprints, rest 30s


  1. CJ Daily Max : 125

    HHS from boxes all at 65lb. Just did 14 singles - first time on boxes
    HHC from boxes all at 95lb. Last two sets felt hard

    HBBS: 135 all sets - last two sets felt the best

    b) 3x10 pullups
    c)3x10 dips
    Did the above on the assisted machine.

    Conditioning : didn't do. Ran out of time.

  2. CnJ: 135x3, 189x2, 223x1, 245x1, 260x1
    *lower back felt a slight tightness on the right. cleans were high but stalling at the top of the pull. "flick your elbows" as soon as feet leave the ground to make the drop faster

    HBBS: 275 - right IT band very tight. worst at the hip. work on pushing knees out more

    HHS from box: 95, 115x2, 135x4
    HHC from box: 165x2, 185x5

    gymnastics: done pullups feeling slightly better. still not full extension due to shoulder impingement,

    cond: skipped - out of time

  3. 1rm Clean 123

    Snatch 73
    Clean 83

    HBBS - 115, 125...

    gymnastics done

  4. Got into the gym late today.

    CnJ: 135x2, 155x2,179, 200(missed), 210, 221
    *200-221 all moved about the same speed. need to keep my shoulders over the bar longer. legs wobbly on 221 jerk catch.

    HBBS: 225, 245x3 - squats felt better than monday

    HHS from box: 95, 115x2, 125x4
    HHC from box: 155x4, 165x3

    gymnastics: done (shoulder touches done against a wall)

    cond: skipped - out of time

  5. I'm interested in joining. Would people mind telling me what the abbreviations stand for?


