Tuesday, July 30, 2013

20130730. Tues

warm up:
3x3 HHS

5 mins work up to a heavy but perfect HHS  (use this as warm up)
5x2 HHS with 2 sec hold in the hole <80%,  ok to reset each rep, rest 45

5 mins work up to a heavy but perfect HHC  - must catch the bounce (use this to warm up jerk too)
5x2 HHC + 1PJ with 2 sec hold OH, <80%, rest45

HBBS 5x5 @ 65% of 1rm, rest 60

a) 4x1 1st pull + 3sec hold + reset +  clean pull (use straps), rest 30-45
b) 4x5 supine row, 3s hold at top of each rep, rest 30-45
c) ME strict deficit HSPU + ME kipping deficit HSPU, rest 60-75
*deficit is 45# plate.  if you use more than 0.5oz of hair product, add 10# plates

6 rounds for TWT
250m row
15 TTB
rest 1:1


  1. who uses that much hair product!?!?!

  2. Barbell:

    HHS - 165
    Working sets - 135 (finally feeling the speed here)

    HHC - 235 (lower back was tight still)
    Working sets - 185

    HBBS: 225 (fast and smooth)

    a) 225x1, 245x3
    b) done
    c) 13, 11, 9, 7 (just did strict since back felt iffy)

    19:04 (killer on the midline)

  3. LOL. Just noticed the hair product jab...


  4. HHS - 75
    Working sets - 60

    HHC - 115
    Working sets - 95

    HBBS - 120 (last set was best set)

    a) 140 (still pulling too early)
    b) done
    c) did three wall crawls for each set

    Conditioning: 25:10 total time
    (rotated the last three sets between four of us on one rower while some chick rested on the other one the whole time...)

  5. Overall ok, hip felt very tight - caused by the continued pounding on the u/b sets from the hang. Will drop for singles for the time being

    HHS - 135x2, 155x2, 165(f), 165
    Working sets - 135 (felt ok, hip was tight)

    HHC - 135x3, 165x2, 195, 225, 245, 260(f)x2, 260
    Working sets - 175

    HBBS: 225

    a) 225
    b) done
    c) extra deficit - 2x10# bumpers, 1x25# bumper, 1 45# metal plate
    4/4, 5/4, 5/4, 3/2

    2:20x2, 2:25, 2:30
    did 10TTB + 10 leg lifts so as not to strain shoulder
    TTB still very slow. cannot link any-shoulder still pinches. did not feel the bad impingement today.

  6. HHS: 103
    working sets at 83

    Was starting HHC and strained neck so stopped

    HHBS: 120

    No strength - neck
    Rowed three 250 m (~1:07)

  7. HHS - 155, missed 165
    Working sets - 125

    HHC - 205, missed 215 twice
    Working sets - 175

    HBBS: 205

    a) 225
    b) done
    c) extra deficit - 2x10# bumpers, 1x25# bumper, 1 45# metal plate
    3/0, 3/3, 4/1, 3/2

    1:45x4, 2:00x1, 2:20x1
