Sunday, July 14, 2013

TESTING #1....20130715 mon

For the next 2 weeks, we will be between programs and will continue training squats using the CAT style.  rest at the top, fast decent and accelerate the bar up.

The "daily max" should be a weight you can hit every day.  You should not need to pump yourself up prior to approaching the bar - if you do, you are going too heavy.  This number is typically 90-95% of your true 1RM.  NOTE:  times vary for each lift

warm up - own

20 mins to find 1RM HBBS - belt up and use walk out technique from the first testing.  load 105-110% of squat and hold for 10 sec

7 mins to find daily max snatch (after warm up)
5 min EMOM - 2HHS + 1 HS at 70% of DAILY MAX

7 min EMOM - 2 HHC + 1 HC + 1 SJ 65% of 1RM

6x3 HBBS @ <70%, rest 90-120s

running @ 90%
4x400, rest 1 min


  1. HBBS: 135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 315, 335, 395(b,w), 375(b,f), 365(b) 15# PR

    need to work on drive for last quarter up.
    into hole - 5/10
    out of hole - 7/10
    finish - 4/10

    Snatch: 115x3, 135x2, 155, 165, 175, 180, 185
    working sets: 124

    Clean: 165 (adjusting grip to closer, bounce out and fix grip for snatch)

    HBBS CAT: 255

    conditioning: done

  2. HBBS: 135x3, 225x3, 265x2, 295, 315, 335, 405(b,w), 350 (f)

    Speed is coming back as peroneal is healed up it seems. Toes out a little more now.

    Snatch: 95 (warm up), 135, 155, 175, 185, 195
    Working sets: 135 (felt fast here; no misses)

    Clean: 175 (high hangs still need work, but hang is so much better)

    HBBS CAT: 235

    Conditioning: done (1:30, 1:32, 1:34, 1:37)

  3. HBBS: walked out 195, PR 175
    attemped 185

    Legs were fatigued after squats
    Daily snatch max: 118
    Working sets: 73

    Clean: 83

    HBBS CAT: 113-118-118-123-123-123


    HBBS: 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 265, 295, 345(b,w), 305(b), 320(b) 45#PR

    Snatch:115x3, 135, 155, 170
    Working sets: 124 (high hang getting out in front)

    Clean: 145

    HBBS CAT: 225

    conditioning: skipped, forgot shoes
