Warm up:
3x3 HHS
3x1 2HS + 1SB
5x1 3 position clean + SJ <80% of 1RM, rest 60-90+ (take more if needed). these reps should be heavy but perfect. NOT MAXIMAL
*3 positions are from the floor, hang, and high hang in that order
FS: 5x3 @ 75% 1RM. as heavy as possible up to 75% while maintaining speed, rest 60-90
a) 5x2 snatch pulls @ <100%. focus on positions, not bar height. use straps, rest 45
b) 5x3 snatch grip shoulder press (from back), rest 45
b) 5x5 supine row w/ 3s hold at top of each rep, rest 45
4 rounds for time
row 250
50 DU
3 Position Cleans: 85/95/95/105/105
ReplyDeleteFS: 115 (quads were tired)
a) 85
b) 50, 50, 50, 65, 65 (read incorrectly First 3 sets were sets of 5)
c) done
No jump ropes at arques and forgot mine. So I did 250m splits with 60 sec rest between sets.
1:06, 1:05, 1:04, 1:02, 1:00
3 Position Cleans: 185, 185, 200, 200, 200
ReplyDeleteFS: 245
a) 185, 205x4
b) 110
c) done
3 Position Cleans: 165,165,165,175,175
ReplyDeleteFS: 195
a) 185, 205x4
b) 105, 110x4
c) done
3 position clean - 93#
ReplyDeleteFS: 95 (tired)
Snatch grip shoulder press: 45-45-50-50-55
wod: 7:51