Thursday, January 16, 2014


Warm up-
3x very light (up to 95/55#)  HHS + HS + SB + BS + rear SJ

Barbell - base percentage off max power lift
3x1 Muscle snatch
PS: TnG, rest 60-90
2x3 75%, 1x2 80%, 1x1 85%, 1x1 90%

3x1 Muscle clean
PC for reps + end with PJ, rest 60-90
2x3 75%, 2x2 80%, 1x1 85%, 1x1 90%

a) 3x10 GH extensions
b) 3x10 GH situps

Skill practice: choose ONE movement to practice...score is lowest reps in a round
box jumps (step down) - 4 rounds, 30s on, 15s off
wall balls - 4 rounds, 30 on, 15 off
C2B - 3 rounds, 50% max reps UB, rest 1:1

3x10 each leg, side shuffle
3x10 each leg, fwd/back walk
3x8 each leg, single leg hip ext
3x8 band pull apart (sholder mob)

extra:  gymnastics
HS touches or ice cream makers. 7 min max


  1. Barbell:
    MS - 95
    PS: 2x3@105, 2x2@115.1@120 1@125

    MC - 135
    PCnJ: 2x3@135, 2x2@155, 1@165, 1@175

    Deadlift 2x3 @ 225, 3x3 @ 275

    cond/skill work:
    Open 11.6/12.5
    AMRAP 7 mins
    3 Thrusters (100/65)
    3 C2B Pull Ups
    6 Thrusters (100/65)
    6 C2B Pull Ups
    9 Thrusters (100/65)
    9 C2B Pull Ups

    9 + 6T

  2. MS - 135, 145, 155
    PS - 1x3 135, 1x3 145, 1x3 155, 1x2, 160, 170, 180, 185, 190, 195
    felt good so kept going, not lifting tomorrow

    MC - skipped - finger tore
    PCnJ - 165, 2x3 185, 1x2 205, 225, 235

    midline: done

    skill: 3 sets pullups

    PT skipped

  3. MS - 95#
    PS - 125#, 130#, 140#, 150#

    MC - 135#
    PCnJ - 175#, 190#, 200#, 210#

    midline: done

    skill: 4 rounds of box jumps, 10-10-10-11

    PT done

    Gymnastics: icecreame maker practice
