Thursday, January 9, 2014


Warm up-
3x very light (up to 95/55#)  HHS + HS + SB + BS + rear SJ

Barbell - base percentage off max power lift
3x1 Muscle snatch
5x1 power snatch - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%

3x1 Muscle clean
5x1 power cnj - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%

a) 3x10 GH extensions
b) 3x10 GH situps

Skill practice: choose ONE movement to practice...score is lowest reps in a round
box jumps (step down) - 4 rounds, 30s on, 15s off
wall balls - 4 rounds, 30 on, 15 off
C2B - 3 rounds, 50% max reps UB, rest 1:1

3x10 each leg, side shuffle
3x10 each leg, fwd/back walk
3x8 each leg, single leg hip ext
3x8 band pull apart (sholder mob)

extra:  gymnastics
HS touches or ice cream makers. 7 min max


  1. Barbell:
    3x1 MS - 95#
    5x1 PS - 1x105, 2x115, 2x125

    3x1 MC - 145#
    5x1 PCnJ - 1x155, 2x165, 2x175(jerk PR, peep the insta vid), 1x185(PCnJ PR)

    midline: done

    practice: C2B - 3x5 UB

    mob: done

    gymnastics: HS touches, HS practice, scap jacked push ups (shouts out to cfm gymnasty class)

    extra cond: 4 rounds - 200m 70# sandbag run, 12 v ups

  2. MS - 115
    PS - 145, 155, 165x2

    MC - 135
    PC - 195, 205, 215, 225

    midline - done

    practice - C2B, wallballs

    PT done

  3. MS - 95,95,115
    PS - 125, 135, 145x2

    MC - 135
    PC - 160,175,185x2

    midline - done

    practice - wallballs, c2b
