4x1 clean complex
2 minute clean efficiency test - CnJ
set at 70%, score is total makes less total misses.
a) 4x5 single leg RDL
b) 3x8 OH lateral raises
c) 4x5 pendlay row
do something light, long and go 90%. ie cindy/barbara
Warm up-
5x very light (up to 95/55#) HHS + HS + SB + BS + rear SJ
Barbell - base percentage off max power lift
3x1 Muscle snatch
5x1 power snatch - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%
3x1 Muscle clean
5x1 power cnj - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%
b) 5x3 pause FS, up to 70% (keep it light)
a) 3x10 GH extensions
b) 3x10 GH situps
3x10 each leg, side shuffle
3x10 each leg, fwd/back walk
3x8 each leg, single leg hip ext
3x8 band pull apart (sholder mob)
extra: gymnastics
HS touches or ice cream makers. 7 min max
Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x1 MC + HC
7x1 Snatch 1st Pull + 3 sec pause + HC + 3 sec pause + HC, 80% rest 60-90, straps ok
3x2 Snatch Pulls, straps ok
2 waves
5 rounds for total time of:
15 6″ Target Burpees (absolutely as fast as possible)
20 UB Wall Balls 20/14
Rest 1:00 after each round
Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - HS
3x3 FS at 75%, rest 45-60
Barbell - base percentage off high hang max
5x1 LHS - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%
5x1 LHC+SJ - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%
3x10 GH extensions
3x10 GH situps
3x 1 min monster band hold
3x10 steps monster band walk (each side)
20 min to find 1rm hbbs
15 min to find heavy snatch
15 min to find heavy cnj
Run 400m
4 rounds
25 wb
5 mu
Run 400m
10x3 hbbs 85+30/15#
Light oly work
4 x 4min rounds
run 400m
ME hspu/rings/hspu/rings
Alternate each set
1 min rest
Hbbs 10x3 at 85%
12 min to establish a heavy snatch
12 min to establish a heavy snatch
5 rounds
Row 250m
12 hspu
9 ttr
Rest 1 min
15 min 1rm snatch
15 min 1rm cnj
20 min 3rm fs
3 rounds for time 10 min cap
30 wallballs
15 kb oh walking lunges (1.5/1)
6 muscle ups
15 mins for 1 rm snatch
15 mins for 1 rm cnj
7min for daily 3rm hbbs
6x3 70% of daily rest 60
Cond...will post later
Warm up: as needed
3x3 HHS
2x1 HS + LHS + SB
15 mins to find max snatch
15 mins to find max CnJ
6x3 HBBS at 85%, rest up to 90
4x3 windmill (each arm)
12 min amrap
run 200m
5 MU
10 GHD situps
3x3 hhs
2x2 hs
5x1 ps+hhs. Technique drills
5x1 pc+hc
4x5 fs<75%, rest 90+
a) 6x3 clean pulls, rest 60
b) 6x3 bench, rest 60
cond: row 5k. Time 2k and 5k
Warm up as needed. If feels good and few misses then ok to go over time allocation. Log all attempts and reps on the clock
15 mins max snatch
15 mins max cnj
7 min max fs
Rest 3 mins...
Every 2 min
5x3 CAT fs at 75%
If not fast...drop weight
15 minutes for 1rm snatch. Go a little longer if no misses.
15 minutes for 1 rm cnj
5x3 85% . Rest 2 min
3x2 90% . As needed
5 rounds for time
25' hs walk
5 mu
15 ghd situps
15 min to find 1rm snatch
15 min to find 1rm cnj
Hbbs- 3 waves 7-5-3 . Use first set as heavy warm up
10 min amrap...5 strict toes to rings + 2 muscle ups (no dropping until hit at least 1 mu)
Warm up
Hhs and hs
2 bars. 1 loaded 95# and the other at working weight. 7x1 - 1 high hang at light weight...rest 30 then 1 hang at rx %. Rest 60-90
2x70%. 2x80%. 2x85%. 1x90%
Same reps HC+SJ
Fs. 5x3 bounce first. Then pause 3s on next 2. 80% ish.
Wod...see outlaw
3x2 hhs with 3s hold at bottom
3x2 hs with 3s hold at bottom
a) 6x3 banded dl. 55% bar +20% band. Reset each rep. Rest 60
b) 6x3 benchpress. Rest 60
a) 4X5 weighted pullups
b) 45# bb back rack duck walk. 8 forward-8back. Slow and keep torso vertical
a) 3x15 ghd sit up
b) 3x10 ghd hip extension. Slow snake style