Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Warm up: as needed
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HC + SJ

7 mins to find daily max CnJ (after warm up)
9x1  2 full clean + 1 SJ. full reset on each rep (not TNG), rest 30s (up to 80% of daily max)

7 mins to find 3RM
4x5 at 85% of daily max

strength - use same weight
a) 3x3 push press, rest 45
b) 3x5 pendlay row, rest 45

4x100m strider, rest 1:1
rest 90s
2x200m, rest 1:1
rest 90s
4x100m strider, rest 1:1

20130730. Tues

warm up:
3x3 HHS

5 mins work up to a heavy but perfect HHS  (use this as warm up)
5x2 HHS with 2 sec hold in the hole <80%,  ok to reset each rep, rest 45

5 mins work up to a heavy but perfect HHC  - must catch the bounce (use this to warm up jerk too)
5x2 HHC + 1PJ with 2 sec hold OH, <80%, rest45

HBBS 5x5 @ 65% of 1rm, rest 60

a) 4x1 1st pull + 3sec hold + reset +  clean pull (use straps), rest 30-45
b) 4x5 supine row, 3s hold at top of each rep, rest 30-45
c) ME strict deficit HSPU + ME kipping deficit HSPU, rest 60-75
*deficit is 45# plate.  if you use more than 0.5oz of hair product, add 10# plates

6 rounds for TWT
250m row
15 TTB
rest 1:1

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Warm up: as needed
3x3 HHC
2x1 2 HC + 1 SJ

7 mins to find daily max snatch (after warm up)
9x2 full snatch.  full reset on each rep (not TNG), rest 30s (up to 75%)

7 mins to find 3RM
4x5 at 85% of daily max

strength - use same weight (push press may be light)
a) 3x3 snatch grip push press, rest 45
b) 3x3 jumping good morning, rest 45

a) 3x60sec ab plank
b) 3x15 twinkie

Thursday, July 25, 2013


3x3 hhs
2x2 hs

5x1 ps+hhs.  Technique drills
5x1 pc+hc

4x5 fs<75%, rest 90+

a) 6x3 clean pulls, rest 60
b) 6x3 bench, rest 60

cond:  row 5k.  Time 2k and 5k

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Warm up: as needed
3x3 HHC
2x1 2 HC + 1 SJ

7 mins to find daily max cnj (after warm up)

7x2 HHS from boxes (very small dip) - stay under 70% of max HHS, rest at least 60
7x2 HHC from boxes (very small dip) - stay under 70% of max HHC, rest at least 60

4x5 up to 75%, rest 90s
gymnastics - rest 30-45 between each set
a) 3x10 freestanding HS shoulder taps
b) 3x15 pullups
c) 3x20 dips

10x100m sprints, rest 30s

Monday, July 22, 2013


warm up:
3x3 HHC

10 min to work to daily  max FS
5x3 FS at 70% + 10# (see last week), rest 60-90
1x5 FS at 70%

5x1 HPS + LHPS, work up to something heavy but < 85% , rest 60
5x1 HPC + PC, <85%, rest 60

a) 4x2 clean pulls (reset each rep.  use straps), rest 30-45
b) 4x3 SJ, rest 60

Extra:  Gymnastics
10 minutes - freestanding handstand practice

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Warm up: as needed
3x3 HHC
2x1 2 HC + 1 SJ

7 mins to find daily max snatch (after warm up)

8 min EMOM HS + HHS + 2s hold in the hole<75%
8 min EMOM 1 HC + HHC + PJ, <75%
*these are 9 total rounds for 18 pulls on each lift.

5x3 @ 70% of 1RM + 10#+ over last week weight.  if you struggled last week, stay the same
1x5 @ drop to last week is ok - belt if needed

4 rounds for time
run 400m
20 GH hip extensions
20 GH situps

Friday, July 19, 2013


Warm up: as needed
3x3 HHC
2x1 2 HC + 1 SJ

15 mins to find max snatch
15 minutes to find max CnJ

10 minutes to find daily max HBBS
6x3 HBBS @ 80% of daily max

30 muscle ups for time - 10 min cap
5 burpees EMOM including when the clock starts at 0:00

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


early post since we have a late game tomorrow night...

Warm up:
3x3 HHS
3x1 2HS + 1SB

5x1 3 position clean + SJ <80% of 1RM, rest 60-90+ (take more if needed).  these reps should be heavy but perfect.  NOT MAXIMAL
*3 positions are from the floor, hang, and high hang in that order

FS:  5x3 @ 75% 1RM.  as heavy as possible up to 75% while maintaining speed, rest 60-90

a) 5x2 snatch pulls @ <100%.  focus on positions, not bar height.  use straps, rest 45
b)  5x3 snatch grip shoulder press (from back), rest 45
b) 5x5 supine row w/ 3s hold at top of each rep, rest 45

4 rounds for time
row 250
50 DU

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


This is the last day of testing following the first 6 week cycle of the program. The good news is we are done with the 7/5/3 waves ..... for now.  For the remainder of this week (and probably all squats going forward), we will focus on CAT squatting - fast squats with the bar accelerating as your levers improve.

for more info, see http://www.jtsstrength.com/articles/2013/06/20/squatting-big/

Warm up: <40%
3x3 HHS
3x1 2HS + 1SB

5x1 3 position snatch <80% of 1RM, rest 60-90+ (take more if needed).  these reps should be heavy but perfect.  NOT MAXIMAL
*3 positions are from the floor, hang, and high hang in that order

HBBS:  5x3 @ 75% 1RM.  as heavy as possible up to 75% while maintaining speed

a) 5x2 clean pulls @ <100%.  focus on positions, not bar height.  use straps
b) 5x3 find 3RM bench press in sets 3-4-5, warm up well then use sets to work up to 3RM

1 mile for time.

a) 4x20 UB decline/ghd situps. rest 45-60
b) 4x12 UB reverse hyper. rest 45-60
c) 2 attempts ME freestanding HS hold

Monday, July 15, 2013

TESTING #1....20130716.Tues

warm up - own

10mins to find 3RM weighted pull up

warm up -
2x3 HHS
2x1 2HS + 1SB
2x2 HHC + HC + PJ

7 mins to find daily max cnj (after warm up)
5 min EMOM - 2HHC + 1 HC + SJ at 70% of DAILY MAX

7 min EMOM - 2 HHS + 1 HS 65% of 1RM

6x3 FS @ <70%, rest 90-120s

a)  4x ME strict deficit HSPU + ME kipping deficit (45# plates)
b)  4x5 pendlay row

Sunday, July 14, 2013

TESTING #1....20130715 mon

For the next 2 weeks, we will be between programs and will continue training squats using the CAT style.  rest at the top, fast decent and accelerate the bar up.

The "daily max" should be a weight you can hit every day.  You should not need to pump yourself up prior to approaching the bar - if you do, you are going too heavy.  This number is typically 90-95% of your true 1RM.  NOTE:  times vary for each lift

warm up - own

20 mins to find 1RM HBBS - belt up and use walk out technique from the first testing.  load 105-110% of squat and hold for 10 sec

7 mins to find daily max snatch (after warm up)
5 min EMOM - 2HHS + 1 HS at 70% of DAILY MAX

7 min EMOM - 2 HHC + 1 HC + 1 SJ 65% of 1RM

6x3 HBBS @ <70%, rest 90-120s

running @ 90%
4x400, rest 1 min

Saturday, July 13, 2013

TESTING #1......20130713.sat

Warm up as needed.  If feels good and few misses then ok to go over time allocation.  Log all attempts and reps on the clock

15 mins max snatch
15 mins max cnj

7 min max fs
Rest 3 mins...

Every 2 min
5x3 CAT fs at 75%
If not fast...drop weight

Friday, July 12, 2013

TESTING #1....20130712.Friday

Warm up: <40%
3x3 HHS
3x1 2HS + 1SB

Record all warmup/workup sets for the maxes
*7 mins for max standing press
*10 minutes for max thruster (from rack)

Warm up again... <60% - video if possible

3x1 snatch pull @90-100%
6x1, snatch 70-80% every 45sec (NOT 45s rest)
3x1 clean pull @90-100%
6x1, c+sj 70-80% every 45sec (NOT 45s rest)

3min HS walk turns- set up cones 5' apart and work turning both directions

note:  tomorrow will be doing snatches, cnj, and FS testing...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

20130711. Thurs

Rest today - try to mob a little extra

when posting scores - note PRs and the # increase over the last best.  this will help our monitoring.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Warm up:
HHS 3x3
LHS 2x2

5 mins to work up to a heavy PS - this should not be maximal. DO NOT get mentally prepared before hitting it like you would a PR. Your "daily max" will be around 90-95% of your PR.
5 min EMOM 2 snatches at 85% of daily max PS. minimize misses

5 mins to work up to a heavy PC+PJ - this should not be maximal. DO NOT get mentally prepared before hitting it like you would a PR. Your "daily max" will be around 90-95% of your PR.
5 min EMOM 2 cleans + SJ at 85% of PC+PJ. minimize misses

*does not need to be TNG reps

5x4 @ 70%, rest 60-90

*CAT training - rest at the top, accelerate bar up as levers improve.  if the squat is not "jumping", lower weight.

a)  Bench 5x3, rest 60-90
b)  Weighted Pull up 5x3, rest 60-90

8x100m striders w/ 1:1 rest

Monday, July 8, 2013


Warm up:
HHS 3x3
LHS 2x2

7 mins to work up to a heavy HHC+PJ, stay UNDER 85% max
5 min EMOM - 1 clean pull + 1 HC + SJ at the heaviest weight from HHS drill

5x5 @ 60% 1RM, rest 60-90 (more if needed).  rest at the top, down and up fast
*if this is not accelerating up, drop weight until it does

3x3 clean pull @ 100% 1RM - reset on each set, rest 2 mins

skill work - 95# or less drill C or S...your choice.  sets of 1-3.  snatch, hold bottom.  clean - catch the bounce

10 min freestanding HS practice- 10 hollow rocks each 3 attempts

Sunday, July 7, 2013

20130708. Monday

This starts our deload week and onramp for the next squat series what will focus on Compensatory Acceleration Training (CAT) AKA...Speed.

The goal of all squats is to consistently drive the bar up faster as the bar comes up.

Warm up:
HHS 3x3
LHS 2x2

7 mins to work up to a heavy HHS, stay UNDER 85% max
5 min EMOM - 1 snatch pull + 1 HS at the heaviest weight from HHS drill

5x5 @ 55% 1RM, rest 60-90 (more if needed)
*if this is not accelerating up, drop weight until it does

3x3 snatch pull @ 100% 1RM -  reset on each set, rest 2 mins

20 pistols, then

10 PC - 135#
2 deficit HSPU 
8 PC
4 deficit HSPU
2 PC
10 deficit HSPU
**deficit = 45# hi temp

Saturday, July 6, 2013


20 min max snatch
20 min max cnj

Hbbs 5-3-2, 3 waves

Cond tbd

Friday, July 5, 2013


Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - HS below knee

Barbell: build up to...
5x1 pull (use straps) + rest 30s + HS 90%,  rest 75-90
5x1 pull (use straps) + rest 30s + HC 90%,  rest 75-90

5x3 HBBS 75-80% - 3sec pause in hole
3x3 HBBS <65%

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Warm up- stay under 50%
HHS 3x3
2xHS +1xSB 3x1

7x1 snatch first pull + 3 sec pause + 2 HS. 80% or less. rest 60s 
7x1 clean first pull + 3 sec pause + 2 HC + SJ. 80% or less. rest 60s

a) 5x3 benchpress  rest 60
b) 5x3 weighted pullups (pull up + 3 sec hold above bar), rest 60

5x200m shuttle (50m down and back 2x), rest 1:1

Monday, July 1, 2013


Warm up- stay under 50%
HHS 3x3
2xHS +1xSB 3x1

8x1 PC + HC + LHC + PJ @ 70%. perfect, rest 60
3x3 SJ - 85% or less from rack
5x3 thruster - linked no resting in front rack, rest 60-90

a) 3xME strict HSPU + ME kipping, rest 45s
b) 3xME supine row, rest 45s
c) 3x12 front rack lunges 165#, rest 45s

10 min free hs practice + 10 hollow rocks every 3 attempts

a) 3x20 UB decline/ghd situps. rest 45-60
b) 3x15 UB reverse hyper. rest 45-60