Saturday, August 31, 2013


15 min for 1 rm snatch
Back off 3x1 75%

15 min for 1 rm cnj
Back off 3x1 75%

15 min for. 3rm fs

Cond:  8 min AMRAP
150m OH plate run (45/25)
5 MU
15 burpees

Thursday, August 29, 2013


warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HHS + SB

Barbell -
snatch - pull + full (reset between).  build up to 80%,  rest <90
 3x2 pulls at 90%

CnJ - pull + full (reset between).  build up to 80%,  rest <90

3x2 pulls at 90%

a) 5x5 HBBS @ 65-70%, rest 60
b) 5x5 strict pullup (1-2sec hold at the top of each rep), rest 60

a) 3x1min - monster band hold
b) 3x30s (each side) plank

extra:  gymnastics:
HS shoulder taps

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HS + 1 SB

Barbell - use this to work on weaknesses.  choose one problem and drill that. email/post if unsure what to drill
10 min snatch practice < 65%, all singles
10 min cnj practice <65%, all singles

a) 4x5 benchpress, rest 60
b) 4x5 pendlay, rest 60

run 5k (moxie - omit)

moxie prep (10 min cap)
light practice kb snatches and kipping pullups

Monday, August 26, 2013


Warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HS + 1 SB

6x1 2 position PC + PJ (low hang, hang - below knee). rest 60-75s no misses

a) FS 5x5 @ 65%, rest 60
b) PP 5x3, rest 60s

a) 4x20 UB GHD situps, rest 45
b) 4x15 UB GHD hip ext, rest 45
c) 4x100 DU, rest 45

10 min handstand practice - if proficient at walking, work on turns

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HS + 1 SB

6x1 2 position PS (low hang, hang - below knee). rest 60-75s  no misses

a)  HBBS 5x5 @ 65%, rest 60
b)  Bent row 5x5

Row 2k for time

Moxie - 10 mins to practice rebounding box jumps on 20", then 24", then 30" boxes

Saturday, August 24, 2013


warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HHS + SB

Barbell -
15 minutes to build up to 1rm CnJ
15 minutes to build up to 1rm Snatch

8x2 FS at 85%, rest 60-90 (belt ok if needed)

Partner WOD - between 2 people, accumulate total reps.  1 working at a time.  only work when both partners are there
30 PS (135/95)
Run 200m
60 box jumps (30/24) would not recommend rebounding
Run 200m
Run 200m
60 KB swings (2/1.5)
Run 200m
30 MU
*Moxy - rest 1 min then 1 min ME PS @ 135

midline/cool down
a) 3x15 GHD situps
b) 3x15 GHD hip ext

Thursday, August 22, 2013


warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HHS + SB

Barbell -
snatch - build up to 3x1 at 90%, rest <90
CnJ - build up to 3x1 at 90%, rest <90

Strength 1
a)  8x1 "1st pull + short hold + reset + snatch pull" at >100%, use straps and rest 60
*always use straps for pulls
b)  8x2 BS at 85%, rest 60

Strength 2
a)  4x5 benchpress, rest 45
b) 4x5 weighted pullup, rest 45

4x90sec ab planks

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HHS + SB

Barbell -
PS 6x3 at <80% 1RM PS, rest 90

a)  8x1 "1st pull + short hold + reset + clean pull" at >100%, rest 60
*always use straps for pulls
b)  8x3 tempo BS at 50%  (controlled down, 3s hold, fast drive up-no bounce), rest 90

3 rounds (moxie comp - do 5 rounds)
20 burpees
5 GTO at 185/110 (PC+PJ).  try NOT to rest at the shoulders "up-and-up" reps
rest 1:1

10 mins freestanding HS turn practice

Monday, August 19, 2013


Warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HS + 1 SB

7 mins to find daily max cnj (after warm up). daily max should not exceed 1rm unless there were no misses.
6x1 3 position clean + sj (ground, hang - below knee, hang - mid thigh). rest 60-75s (up to 70% of daily max)

7x3 at 70% of 1RM (add 10#s from last week IF your reps are good. All reps on saturday were too slow on the way up) rest up to 60-75, make sure weight is driven up

a) 4xME UB strict + ME kipping deficit HSPU (45/25), rest 30-45 - set ends once feet touch the floor
b) 4xME UB bar MU (7 max) , rest 30-45

4x400m, rest 1 min

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HS + 1 SB

7 mins to find daily max snatch (after warm up).  daily max should not exceed 1rm unless there were no misses.
6x1 3 position snatch (ground, hang - below knee, hang - mid thigh). rest 60-75s (up to 70% of daily max)

7x3 at 70% of 1RM (add 10#s from last week IF your reps are good. All reps on saturday were too slow on the way up)  rest up to 60-75, make sure weight is driven up

7 min amrap
row 250m
7 thrusters 135/95

extra - gymnastics
accumulate 5 minutes of Lsits - each break do 5 burpees

Saturday, August 17, 2013


15 min 1rm snatch
15 min 1rm cnj

20 min 3rm fs

3 rounds for time 10 min cap
30 wallballs
15 kb oh walking lunges (1.5/1)
6 muscle ups

Thursday, August 15, 2013


warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HHS + SB

Barbell -
snatch - build up to 3x1 at 90%, rest <90
CnJ - build up to 3x1 at 90%, rest <90

squat 6x3 at 80%, rest 90+
9x2 snatch pulls at >100%, rest as needed

a)  5x3 bench
b) 5x5 weighted pull up

extra cond:
bike OR run...20 mins max distance

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HHS + SB

Barbell - warm up with the workout in mind
3x2 full snatch up to 80%, rest 90
snatch efficiency - 2 min amrap full snatch at 80% (note make/miss)

3x2 full cnj up to 80%, rest 90
cnj efficiency - 2 min amrap full cnj at 80% - SJ (note make/miss)

9x2 clean pulls at >100%, rest as needed

4 rounds, rest 1:1
row 500m
21 KBS 1.5/2

10 mins freestanding HS turn practice

Monday, August 12, 2013


Warm up: as needed
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HS + 1 SB

7 mins to find daily max cnj (after warm up)
6x1 3 position clean + 1 sj (ground, hang, hi-hang). rest 60-75s (up to 70% of daily max)

6x3 at 70% of 1RM rest up to 90, make sure weight is driven up

a) 4x5 DB pull over, rest 45
b) 4xME supine row + 3s hold, rest 45
c) 4xME seated DB hold (105/65)  if DB don't go that high, use 2pood KB.  if you hook grip, practice hook gripping...NO STRAPS

a)  3x20 GHD hip extension
b)  3x20 GHD sit ups

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Warm up: as needed
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HS + 1 SB

7 mins to find daily max snatch (after warm up)
6x1 3 position snatch (ground, hang, hi-hang). rest 60-75s (up to 70% of daily max)

6x3 at 70% of 1RM rest up to 90, make sure weight is driven up

a) 4x5 flat bench DB row w/ hold at the top, rest 45
b) 4x3 strict BB split press, rest 45

4 rounds for time - 25min CAP
5 Wall crawls
15 Pullups
25 dips (rings if available)
run 400m

4x25 hollow rocks

Saturday, August 10, 2013


15 mins for 1 rm snatch
15 mins for 1 rm cnj

7min for daily 3rm hbbs
6x3 70% of daily rest 60

Cond...will post later

Friday, August 9, 2013


3x3 hhs
2x2 hs

halting snatch:  1st pull + split second pause + hs
  2x2 75%, 2x1 80%, 1x1  85%, 2x1 90%- rest 90
*% based on HS

halting cnj:  1st pull + split second pause + hc + sj
  2x2 75%, 2x1 80%, 1x1  85%, 2x1 90%- rest 90
*% based on HC

FS 5x5 @ 65% of 1rm, rest 60

a) 6x3 benchpress, rest 45
b) 6x2 snatch pulls >100%, rest 45

3x3 weighted pull ups + 3sec hold each rep

10 min HS practice

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HHS + SB

Barbell - work from boxes:
6x2 HHS with 2 sec hold in the hole <80%, ok to reset each rep, rest 45
6x1 2 HHC + PJ with 2 sec hold OH, <80%, rest 45

Squats -(RY does 10x3 at 60-65% EMOM)
HBBS 5x5 @ 65% of 1rm, rest 60

6x2 clean pulls at >100%, rest 60

row 1k
50 DU
25 box jumps (30/24)
50 DU
50 DU
25 PU
50 DU

freestanding HS practice

Monday, August 5, 2013


Warm up: as needed
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HS + 1 SB

7 mins to find daily max CnJ (after warm up)
5x1 PC + HC + HHC + SJ. rest 60-75s (up to 70% of daily max)

7 mins to find 3RM

4x5 at 85% of daily 3RM + 10#s (goal is for working sets heavier than last week, rest 90-120

a) 4xME strict + ME kipping deficit HSPU (45# plate)
b) 4x5 Pendlay Row
c) 4x5 DB PP

skill work - practice DUs and/or freestanding HS shoulder taps

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Warm up: as needed
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HS + 1 SB

7 mins to find daily max snatch (after warm up)
5x1 PS + HS + HHS.  rest 60-75s (up to 70% of daily max)

7 mins to find 3RM
4x5 at 85% of daily 3RM + 10#s  (goal is for working sets heavier than last week, rest 90-120

a) 4x5 jumping good morning - not maximal, rest 45
b) 4xME Lsit - 1 attempt, rest 45

run 1 mile
rest 1 min
1 min ME burpees

Friday, August 2, 2013


Warm up:  as needed
3x3 HHS
2x1 HS + LHS + SB

15 mins to find max snatch

15 mins to find max CnJ

6x3 HBBS at 85%, rest up to 90

4x3 windmill (each arm)

12 min amrap
run 200m
5 MU
10 GHD situps


3x3 hhs
2x2 hs

 2x2 75%, 2x1 80%, 1x1  85%, 2x1 90%- rest 90

 2x2 75%, 2x1 80%, 1x1  85%, 2x1 90%- rest 90

FS 5x5 @ 65% of 1rm, rest 60

a) 4x5 benchpress, rest 45
b) 4x2 snatch grip 1st pull + 3s hold + snatch grip pull, rest 45

3x3 weighted pull ups

10 min HS practice