Thursday, October 31, 2013


Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - HS

Barbell - base percentage off high hang max
3x1 Muscle snatch
5x1 power snatch - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%

3x1 Muscle clean
5x1 power cnj - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%

a) 3x6 pendlay row
b) 3x3 pause FS, up to 65% (keep it light)

a) 3x10 GH extensions
b) 3x10 GH situps

HS or Mup practice, 10 min max

3x 1 min monster band hold
3x10 steps monster band walk (each side)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - HS

Barbell:  heavy but perfect
5x1 2 HS (below knee) , rest as needed up to 90
5x1 2 HC (below knee) + J, rest as needed up to 90

HBBS: last day of these!  
work up to a heavy single
drop 15-20% and work up to a heavy double
drop 15-20% and work up to a heavy triple

a) 3x12 bench press
b) 3x12 strict pull ups

Conditioning:  modified from the Outlaw Way.  each row should be maximal effort, for time
row 1k
rest 3 min
row 500m
rest 2 min
row 250m
rest 1 min
row 250m

Monday, October 28, 2013


Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - Muscle Snatch

Work up to a heavy single CnJ (90-95%)
7x2 HC + SJ. all working sets at 70%, rest 60

4x4 Box Squat
4x20s heavy load walk out (must use belt)

Strength 1:
a) 3x2 Clean Pulls
b) 3x15 Supine Row
c) 3xME L sit

125 DU
6 HSPU (parallettes)

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - Muscle Snatch

Work up to a heavy single snatch (90-95%)
7x2 HS. all working sets at 70%, rest 60

work up to a heavy single
drop 15-20% and work up to a heavy double
drop 15-20% and work up to a heavy triple

a) 3x2 Snatch Pulls
b) 3x6 (each arm) lawnmower DB rows

21 burpee box jumps
21 KBS
15 burpee box jumps
15 KBS
9 burpee box jumps

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - HS

Barbell - base percentage off high hang max
3x1 Muscle snatch
5x1 power snatch - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%

3x1 Muscle clean
5x1 power cnj - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%

a) 3x6 pendlay row
b) 3x3 pause FS, up to 65% (keep it light)

a) 3x10 GH extensions
b) 3x10 GH situps

HS or Mup practice, 10 min max

3x 1 min monster band hold
3x10 steps monster band walk (each side)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - HS

5x1 1st pull + pause + HS (below knee) + HS (above knee), rest as needed
5x1 1st pull + pause + HC (below knee) + HC (above knee) + J, rest as needed

HBBS: aim for 5-10 lbs more than Monday
work up to a heavy single
drop 15-20% and work up to a heavy double
drop 15-20% and work up to a heavy triple

5x1 1st pull + reset + snatch pull
5x1 1st pull + reset + clean pull

3 rounds for time
row 500m
25 foot HS walk

Monday, October 21, 2013


Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - Muscle Snatch

Work up to a heavy single CnJ (90-95%)
7x2 HHC + SJ. all working sets at 70%, rest 60

Strength 1:
a) 3x2 Clean Pulls
b) 3x15 Supine Row
c) 3xME L sit

Strength 2:
a) 4x5 bench
b) 4x5 weighted pull ups

HS Practice

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - Muscle Snatch

Work up to a heavy single snatch (90-95%)
7x2 HHS. all working sets at 70%, rest 60

work up to a heavy single
drop 15-20% and work up to a heavy double
drop 15-20% and work up to a heavy triple

a) 3x2 Snatch Pulls
b) 3x6 (each arm) lawnmower DB rows

3 rounds
run 400m
12 pull ups
12 deficit HSPU

Saturday, October 19, 2013


work up to a heavy snatch

work up to a heavy CnJ

work up to a heavy single
drop 15-20% and work up to a heavy double
drop 15-20% and work up to a heavy triple

Skill practice
3 strict ttr + Mup practice
HS walk practice

prowler pushes - partner

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - HS

Barbell - base percentage off high hang max
5x1 power snatch - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%
5x1 power cnj - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%

a) 3x6 pendlay row
b) 3x3 pause FS, up to 65% (keep it light)

a) 3x10 GH extensions
b) 3x10 GH situps

HS or Mup practice, 10 min max

3x 1 min monster band hold
3x10 steps monster band walk (each side)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - HS

3x3 LHC. all working sets at 70-75%, rest 60
3x2 Split jerk (from rack) as heavy as possible, rest as needed

HBBS: aim for 5-10 lbs more than Monday
work up to a heavy single
drop 15-20% and work up to a heavy double
drop 15-20% and work up to a heavy triple

a) 3x6 bench at 70-75%
b) 3x6 weighted pull ups at 70-75%

8 rounds, rest 1:1
row 20 cal
10 strict dips/10 strict TTB

(odd rounds dips, even rounds do TTB)

Monday, October 14, 2013


Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - HS

snatch: work up to a heavy single ~ 90%, then do 3x1 at that weight
5x2 HHS at 75-80% of heavy singles, rest 60

cnj: work up to a heavy single ~ 90%, then do 3x1 at that weight
5x2 HHC+PJ at 75-80% of heavy singles, rest 60

FS:  CAT style
3x3 at 80%

conditioning:  this is meant to be more of a sprint than a marathon
20 KB snatches - try to keep it evenly split
1 burpee
18 KB snatches 
2 burpees
2 KB snatches
10 burpees

4x5 windmills (each arm)
3x1 min ab plank

Sunday, October 13, 2013


We're going to start a new cycle that should take us toward the end of Nov - focusing on squats and olys.  For the squatting days, "building up to a heavy rep" is meant to be a heavy rep with good form, not necessarily a maximal set.

Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - HS

6x3 LHS. all working sets at 70-75%, rest 60

work up to a heavy single
drop 15-20% and work up to a heavy double
drop 15-20% and work up to a heavy triple

a) 4x2 Snatch pulls, rest 30
b) 4xME parallette HSPU, rest 30
c) 4xME supine row, rest 30

3x10 pressups
3x1min band holds

Saturday, October 12, 2013


bet you haven't done one of these in a while.....throw back to the 1 mile repeats!

warm up:
5 min FS
5 mins snatches
5 mins CnJ

60min "competition" style workout.  start one clock and keep it running for the full 60 mins

a)  7 mins to work up to a heavy 3rep FS
rest 2 mins

b) 12mins to run 1 mile +  find heavy 2 rep TnG snatch*

c) 12mins to run 1 mile +  find heavy 2 rep TnG clean*

d) 12mins to run 1 mile +  find heavy 2 rep TnG jerk

e)  12 min partner AMRAP - only one working at a time
20 muscle ups
40 front rack lunges (135/95#)
60 KB swings (2/1.5 pood)

f)  3 min AMRAP double unders (individual).  2 burpees each break

*these can be power movements

Friday, October 11, 2013


Fair warning - get ready for tomorrow....gonna be fun

Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - HS 

3x3 FS at 85%, rest 45-60

Barbell - base percentage off high hang max
5x1 snatch - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%
5x1 cnj - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%

3x10 GH extensions
3x10 GH situps

 HS or Mup practice, 10 min max
3x 1 min monster band hold
3x10 steps monster band walk (each side)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HHS + SB

6x1 clean pull + HHC + SJ, up to 80%. rest 60-90s

Cond:  long chipper
10 minutes to row 2k for time, rest remainder
after 10 mins are up, immediately start 20 min AMRAP...
20 pull ups
10 DL (135/95#)
20 Pushups
10 HPC (135/95#)
20 Sit ups
10 FS (135/95#)
20 Box Jumps (24/18")
10 PJ (135/95#)
20 Jumping Lunges
*clock should run for a total 30min
10 min free standing HS practice, every 3 attemps do 5 hollow rocks

3x1 min monster band hold, 60s
3x10 steps each side walking monster band

Monday, October 7, 2013


warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HHS + SB

6x1 snatch pull + HHS, up to 80% of HHS, rest 60

a) 4x7 bench press, rest 45s
b) 4x7 weighted pullup, rest 45s

Cond - Taken from outlaw wod 131007.  no rack
15 Deadlifts 235/155#
15 Back Squats 235/155#

a) 3xME Lsit
b) 3x10 reverse hyper

Sunday, October 6, 2013


warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HHS + SB

3x3 good mornings
7x1 3 position snatch, up to 70%. rest 60-75s
7x1 3 position cnj, up to 70%. rest 60-75s

5x3, 3 sec pause hbbs at 70%.  rest 90

a) 3xME TnG parallette HSPU, rest at the top
b) 3x15 supine row
c) 3x2 clean pulls

7x200m, rest 60

Squat Prep:
3x1 min monster band hold, 60s
3x10 steps each side walking monster band

Saturday, October 5, 2013


15min for 1rm snatch

15 min for 1rm cnj

20 min for 3rm fs

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - HS

3x3 FS at 75%, rest 45-60

Barbell - base percentage off high hang max
5x1 LHS - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%

5x1 LHC+SJ - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%

3x10 GH extensions
3x10 GH situps

3x 1 min monster band hold
3x10 steps monster band walk (each side)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Meant to write this earlier....the next couple of weeks will be dedicated to seeing how quickly we can regain our ability to metcon.  If you can, include how you felt during the conditioning, and how you felt you performed on a % basis (relative intensity).  This is critical information in terms of programming for the 2014 season...

warm up:
3x3 HHS
2x1 2 HHS + SB

10x1 first pull + reset + low hang snatch, up to 80%. rest 60-90s
10x1 first pull + reset + low hang clean + split jerk, up to 80%.  rest 60-90

a) 3x5 pendlay rows, rest 45
b) 3x2 snatch pulls, rest 45
c) 3x10 reverse hyper (slow down and up), rest 45
d) 3x10 tempo GH sit ups (3s down, 3s up), rest 45

5x1 min rounds for max reps (thrusters), rest 60s between rounds
30 DU. Then with remaining time...
ME thrusters @ 155/100#

*this is meant to take 9 minutes - 5 working minutes and 4 resting minutes between work

3x1 min monster band hold, 60s
3x10 steps each side walking monster band
3x15 ttb