Sunday, June 30, 2013
HHS 3x3
HS+SB 3x1
8x1 PS + HS + LHS @ 70%. perfect, rest 60
7,5,3 x2
3x 20sec (belt) walkout
a) 4x3 tempo bent row (fast pull, hold 3s, down 2 sec)
b) 4x3 (each arm) DB split jerk
6 rounds, rest 1:1
Row 250m
15 burpees
Saturday, June 29, 2013
15 minutes for 1rm snatch. Go a little longer if no misses.
15 minutes for 1 rm cnj
5x3 85% . Rest 2 min
3x2 90% . As needed
5 rounds for time
25' hs walk
5 mu
15 ghd situps
Friday, June 28, 2013
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - HS below knee
3x3 FS 70%, rest 60
3x3 HBBS 70%
Barbell: build up to...
1st pull from ground + 3 sec at knees + HS...1x2 75%, 1x1 80%, 2x1 85%, 3x1 90%, rest 60-90
1st pull from ground + 3 sec at knees + HC + SJ...1x2 75%, 1x1 80%, 2x1 85%, 3x1 90%, rest 60-90
6x100m striders, rest 1:1
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
HHS 3x3
2xHS +1xSB 3x1
5x2 thruster <85%
a) HBBS 7x5 @ 65-75% rest 60
Monday, June 24, 2013
20130625, Tues
HHS 3x3
2xHS +1xSB 3x1
a) 3x20 UB decline/ghd situps. rest 45-60
b) 3x15 UB reverse hyper. rest 45-60
Sunday, June 23, 2013
20130624. Monday
warm up
HHS 3x3
HS+SB 3x1
Barbell - pause 1 sec at hang position. Steve - work from boxes.
8x1 HPS + HHC @ 70%. perfect, rest 60
8x1 HPC + HC + PJ @ 70%. perfect, rest 60
5,3,2 x2 + 1x5
3x5 (belt) box squat, accelerate bar up
4 rounds
5 wall crawls
10 Vups/TTB (if no pu bar)
15 lateral over box jumps (20") - must touch top
rest 1 min.
100 DU for time
Saturday, June 22, 2013
201306 sat
15 min to find 1rm snatch
15 min to find 1rm cnj
Hbbs- 3 waves 7-5-3 . Use first set as heavy warm up
10 min amrap...5 strict toes to rings + 2 muscle ups (no dropping until hit at least 1 mu)
Friday, June 21, 2013
20130621. Fri
Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
2x2 - HS
6x1 HS - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%, 2x90%
6x1 HC+SJ - slight pause. rest 60-90 (more is ok)
1x75%, 1x80%, 2x85%, 2x90%
5x2 FS 60%. focus on speed. fast down, fast up w/strong reflex. IF slow/sticky....drop weight
These are NOT maximal.
a) 3x5 pendlay row
b) 3x5 seated DB shoulder press (no back)
extra - pull up/muscle up practice
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
20130619 Wed
Warm up- stay under 55%
3x1 - 2 HHS + 1 SB
stay under 65%
3x1 - 2 HHC + 1 PJ
5x1 2 HC + 1SJ w/ split second pause at knees. 80% or less. rest 60s
3x15sec Heavy walk out (115% of 1RM). use belt
a) 4x2 clean pulls. rest 45-60. USE STRAPS
*Each pull is a first pull w/ 2 sec pause + controlled back to the ground + first pull w/ 2sec pause + HC pull
b) 4x3 benchpress
Extra: rowing
3x250m, rest 1:1
Monday, June 17, 2013
20130618 Tuesday
Warm up- stay under 50%
HHS 3x3
2xHS +1xSB 3x1
5x2 HS w/ split second pause at knees. 80% or less. rest 60s
5x2 thruster. As heavy as possible. bar should accelerate up and feet should LEAVE the ground - should not exceed 85% of 1RM. rest 60-90, make every rep count, more rest is ok
a) 4x2 snatch pulls. rest 45-60. USE STRAPS
*Each pull is a first pull w/ 2 sec pause + controlled back to the ground + first pull w/ 2sec pause + HS pull
b) 4xME HSPU + kipping HSPU. rest 45-60
a) 3x20 UB decline/ghd situps. rest 45-60
b) 3x15 UB reverse hyper. rest 45-60
6x200m shuttle (50m x 4). rest 2:3 (work:rest....more rest than work)
20130617 Mon
HHS 3x3
HS+SB 3x1
10x1 HHS + HS + 2 sec hold in hole @ 70%. perfect, rest 60
10x1 HHC + HC + SJ @ 70%. perfect, rest 60
5,3,2 x2 - no misses
3x3 (belt) box squat, accelerate bar up
4 rounds
10 alt 1 arm snatch (70# DB)
15 front rack lunges, 135#
50 DU
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Friday, June 14, 2013
Barbell work
HS 1x2 70%, 1x1 75%, 1x1 80%, 1x1 85%, 2x1 90%, rest 60
HC + SJ 1x2 70%, 1x1 75%, 1x1 80%, 1x1 85%, 2x1 90%, rest 60
Thruster 1x2 65%, 1x2 70%, 2x2 75%, 3x2 80%, rest 30-45. these need to be accelerated. feet SHOULD leave the ground
cond: 4x400m @ 90% . use this to loosen up before testing tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
TESTING ... 20130611 Wed
HHC + Thruster 3x2 95
HHS 3x1 95#. HHS + HS + SB
Barbell work = pause 2-3 sec at knees
HS 1x3 65%, 1x3 70%, 2x2 75%, 3x2 80%, rest 60
HC+PJ 1x3 65%, 1x3 70%, 2x2 75%, 3x2 80%, rest 60
a) 7x2 DL - first pull to knees, pause 1-2s. Straight into a clean pull. reset after each rep and rest 90
b) 7 sets bench 2x5, 5x3- find 3RM in sets 5-6-7, use first sets to warm up (ie, my set 1 would be at 185-205)
20 minutes
a) gymnastics work - 45-60s free standing HS
b) 3 reps (5 strict TTR + 1MU, reset after each MU), rest 30-45
Monday, June 10, 2013
TESTING...20130611 Tues
warm up
5x1 3 pos snatch (hi-hang, hang, lo-hang + pause at knees) - no higher than 95#/65#
5x2 HC - EMOM (1hhc + 1hc is good) < 70%
20 mins for 1RM HBBS - try walkout set suggested on outlaw ----USE BELT FOR THIS
10 mins for 3RM weighted pullup
4 rounds...
a) 20 burpees, rest 30-45s
b) 10 Tempo GHD situps (3s up, 3s down), rest 30-45
c) 10 weighted hip extensions, rest 1m-1m30s
4x250m row, rest 1:1
Sunday, June 9, 2013
TESTING.....20130610 Monday
*12 mins for max standing press
*12 minutes for max thruster (from rack)
7x2 HHS, EMOM - more than 70%
*1 mile for time
rest 3 minutes, then
100 DU
21 KBS
12 PU
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Warm up
Hhs and hs
2 bars. 1 loaded 95# and the other at working weight. 7x1 - 1 high hang at light 30 then 1 hang at rx %. Rest 60-90
2x70%. 2x80%. 2x85%. 1x90%
Same reps HC+SJ
Fs. 5x3 bounce first. Then pause 3s on next 2. 80% ish.
Wod...see outlaw
Friday, June 7, 2013
20130607 fri
3x2 hhs with 3s hold at bottom
3x2 hs with 3s hold at bottom
a) 6x3 banded dl. 55% bar +20% band. Reset each rep. Rest 60
b) 6x3 benchpress. Rest 60
a) 4X5 weighted pullups
b) 45# bb back rack duck walk. 8 forward-8back. Slow and keep torso vertical
a) 3x15 ghd sit up
b) 3x10 ghd hip extension. Slow snake style
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
20130605 Wednesday
3x2 HHS
3x2 HS from knees
7x2 HC+SJ (60-80%) w/ 3 second pause at knees, rest 60
2 waves 7-5-3 HBBS. rest 60
a) 5x2 first pull + hold at knees
b) 5x3 pendlay row
Conditioning (outlaw)
3 rounds for total working time of:
50 Double-Unders
20 UB HSPU (reg standard)
Rest 1:3
Monday, June 3, 2013
20130604 Tuesday
HHS 4x2 @ 45-65#
HPS - 5x2 @ 70%
HPC+PJ - 5x2 @ 70%
a) BB windmill 5x3 each arm
b) free standing HS practice (60 sec)
c) 5x5 butterfly pullups - fast w/ small kip
run 5k
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Monday 20130603
3x3 HHS
3x3 HS from knees
7x2 HS (50-70%) w/ 3 second pause at knees, rest 60
a) 5x2 snatch DL w/ 3s pause at knees...perfect, rest 45
b) 5x3 HBBS w/5s pause, no sleeves @ 50-60%, rest 60
run 7x200, rest 1:1.5 (work;rest)
a) tempo GHD (3s down, 3s up) 3x10
b) hip ext 3x15
extra credit:
split DB press 3x5
bent row, 3x5