Thursday, March 14, 2013


Back  is tight, shoulder strained from TTB

1.  2 PC + 1 PJ

2.  squat 7-5-3

3.  sprints - pulled hamstring

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


1.  7x2 Snatch 1st Pull + HS

worked on the HHS, stayed below 135# due to shoulder mobility

2a.  4x2 Snatch 1st pull + 2 snatch DL - 205
2b.  4x5 pendlay rows - 205
2c.  4x8 DB standing press - 45x2, 55x2

Tweaked lower back on set 2 of pendlay.

3a.  3x10 strict TTB
3b.  3xME nose+toes hold - 30s, 40s, 45s

Shoulder pain during TTB so scale to vup

4.  3 rounds - must be UB or start at 0

6:20, waited bunch before wbs

Sunday, March 10, 2013


1.  max clean + jerk

worked up to 250 cnj, shoulder shaky so split jerk was ugly
PR Clean at 269#.  unbalanced catch, stabilize then easy squat

2.  HBBS 7-5-3 x2
275-295 (3)- 305 (1)

hips haven't tracked well in a while.  fatigue setting in - still tired from night before

3.  bench
185 (5), 205 (5), 225 (5), 235 (3) 245 (3), 255 (1)

4a.  lat pulldown - 185x4
4b.  box pistol - 5each leg x4


Open 13.1

154 reps, 13:36 to finish the 135# snatches

paced too much, 165 felt light but only had time for 4 pulls

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


warmup:  1 snatch + 1 OHS + 1 SB

1.  3 pos Clean

2a.  Goodmorning 4x6
2b.  Push press 4x6

3.  hand stand turning practice

4.  row
2x500 1:1
4x250 1:1

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


1.  full snatch technique work
5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2

2.  1 cluster + 1 thruster

3.  HBBS 5,3,2 for 3 waves

4a.  pendlay rows 3x5
4b.  snatch DL 2x3pos + 1 reg

5.  running 6x200m 1/2:1

Monday, March 4, 2013


1a.  Machine Rows - 1 warmup, 3x8

1b.  Shoulder rehab set - 3 rounds
1c.  Core rehab - mini marches, bug

2.  snatch
1 HS + 1 PS, x3 rest 60
1 Power snatch every 30s, 2m30s (6 reps)

3.  clean
PC + HHC + 1 SJ, rest 60

4.  snatch - light work, 5x5

5.  cond - outlaw 130304

3 minute AMRAP of:
Burpees (to a 6″ target)

*Rest 2 minutes.

5 minute AMRAP of:
30 Double-Unders
15 Power Snatches 75/55#

6.  run 3x400 or 6x100


1.  Snatch:  1 HS + 1 PS

2.  CnJ

3.  FS 5-3-2, 3 waves

4.  COND - outlaw 130302

3 rounds for total reps of:
1 min ME Front Squats 135/95#
1 min ME HSPU
1 min ME KBS 24/16kg
1 min ME Pull-ups

*Rest 1 minute after each round.